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Step 1: Creating records

Create the following records:

Type Name Target Proxy
CNAME @ ( Disabled
CNAME www Disabled

Or if you want to use a subdomain:

Type Name Target Proxy
CNAME subdomain Disabled
CNAME www.subdomain Disabled


  • CloudFlare proxy must be disabled, even if you want to use it later.
  • You must create a CNAME record for www., even if you don't want to use www..

Step 2: Wait for your site to work

Usually it takes only 5 minutes, but it can take multiple hours, especially if you've just started using CloudFlare. Note that you have to use http://, not https://. As soon as you see the NamelessMC installer at your domain, continue to step 3 (do not go through the installer yet).

Step 3: Enable HTTPS

Go to your site on the Named Hosting dashboard, click 'Edit', then enable HTTPS. Wait about a minute, then refresh your site. It should now redirect to https:// automatically. If HTTPS is disabled again after enabling it, the records probably weren't created correctly in step 1.

Step 4: Enable proxy (optional)

You can enable proxy if you want to. If you do enable proxy, make sure to set security level to "Full (Strict)".